Sunday, September 14, 2008

Along the road: London

London is quite sunny today. :) However, I decided to stay at my friend's flat to regain energy. I took Cholrphenylaime Maleate (sorry for spelling mistakes), and I can't sleep well in the coach. This makes me very dizzy on Friday. I tried to sleep, but it is not successful. Thus, I went to V&A museum and stay thereabout until late afternoon. Believe me, art plus dizziness equals more dizziness. There is a bad news in the evening. Grandma of p'Note, whom I am staying with, just passed away. He then book a ticket and go back to Thailand on the last Saturday. I felt very sorry for him.

I spent yesterday and today with German language, course plan, and arrangements. The good news, if I haven't told you so, is I've got a permission to attend the course from the next Wednesday. In addition, I also got a position on a course on October. Everything seems to be fine. For the coursework, I have to choose one out of three laboratories that I've got. There is an easy one: 'User-oriented' which everyone I know seems to take this course. However, I am bored with software development and things. I have done it for several times since undergraduate, so I am planning to take either 'Media analysis' or 'Multimedia analysis and retrieval'. The names looks familiar; I don't know about the content since the first one doesn't provide any detail. Let's find out more when I am in Germany.

I plan to go to Greenwich tomorrow. I would like to see not-so-crowded area to relieve my urban sickness. Now, I am pretty sure that I will get sick when I return to Bangkok. At least, I must have three-days recovery period.

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