Thursday, August 2, 2007

02 August: Vaccinated

The Thai army sport club is new running venue for me. I went to farther than I usually run and find that place with calm environment, good air, not so hot, and no dogs. I will try post some of its photo when I have time.

I went to Thai Red Cross Society and vaccinated today. University of Edinburgh recommends me to be vaccinated for Meningtis C and MMR, but I further ask for more vaccination on rabies and infulenza for my own safety. Today, I took 4 needles of vaccine and one more for blood checking for Hepatitis B. Next week, I will take two or tree, depending on the Hepatitis result. And in next month, I will take the last needle for MMR. Today, it cost me 2,850 for vaccination and 450 for blood testing. More detail on this, I will write later.

During my transportation time, I read the latest volume of Harry Potter. I have go through 3 chapters now. This is the slowest read of the book in this series. I finished book 1 - 6 by spending about 2 -3 days on each book. (Maximum 3 for the last book.) But, for this book, I have another plan. I try to capture most vocabulary out of it and try to observe the writer's style. I think that this may be beneficial for my future as a graduate student in author's homeland.

I modified some Drupal module for my project: A. Although it is a good practice to develop the user interface of the module, I decided to turn to hard-coded work making watermarking module work with another image uploading module. This because I can not think of the cross-module user interface. May be, I have to write another module to connect this two? Not today, I am very exhausted and the deadline is tomorrow. Since it will turns to production environment tomorrow, if there is anyone drop by my blog, you can see the project on (It's in Thai though. :) )

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